Vibe Highlights

Friday, March 23, 2018

Zuni- The Point is Simple

Paul Christopher Marquardt Jr. (Otherwise known as Zuni) was born and raised in Albany, New York.

 Best Advice: 

"Stick to it, don't stop writing, you have so much potential to do greater and you are only so young"

In his childhood he grew up listening to 90's style hip-hop music such as: Biggie, Nas, Outkast, etc. What inspired him to start rapping was being introduced to Hopsin at 10 years of age. The first song he listened to was Ill Mind Of Hopsin 5, and from there he was in awe that someone could still talk about real issues using personal thoughts and make a hit song out of it.

He doesn’t consider himself an MC or a Lyricist but an Artist. He’s very versatile and he’ done more than music. He also has knowledge and skills in photography, videography, acting, and production. He also views himself as a "conscience" Artist. He likes to put his life down through a pen and paper. He shares that, "Music is a great coping mechanism" for any type of stress he has.

He writes his own lyrics, hooks, verses and all. He also doesn't believe in "Ghost-writing." But, he does have a handful of projects where he has worked with other artists and he is always open to working with new creative minds.

Current Album 
His current album "The Point is Simple" is his debut album that is a work in progress. He was inspired after releasing two promotional mix-tapes for free (The Introduction Mixtape, and Details EP) and got a very good response from them. Now he knows that anything is possible!

He has performed a fairly a decent amount of concerts. His passion soared as he performed a handful of Hip-Hop Showcases across New York State, and just recently a performance in Pittsburgh, PA. 

Yet, his most memorable stage performance thus far would have to be the one he did in his home town. It was a Hip-Hop Showcase and he and his crew packed the venue for the night! He felt like he had the whole crowd's attention and when he was done and hopped off the stage, he received nothing but respect from everyone around him.

Being on the stage and hearing the crowd go wild was great but It would still be his dream come true to perform with Hopsin, the man who inspired him to start his music career.

And the Future Looks Successful...
He plans to expand his horizons by traveling down the coast and spreading his musical passion. He will do all of that in hopes to reach another milestone in his career. He can't say he predicts the future of his music, but he can only go up from here.

He is currently working on his debut album, preparing himself for radio air play and has locked in distribution for his music to be available on all online platforms.

Contact Him
He can be found @ZuniMedia via any source of Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud, Youtube, etc.)

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