Vibe Highlights

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Business of First Ladii

A future goal that she sees for her financial literacy business is to help one thousand new clients gain financial freedom by the end of 2018.  
Bet You Didn't Know! 
If she could work with any top name in the entertainment industry she would choose to work with Oprah because she views her as the most successful woman of all time!

Her name is Briana Barksdale, but she is known in the entertainment industry as First Ladii Briana B. She is originally from Greensboro, NC. But, she lived in Virginia for two years before relocating back to North Carolina to the states Capital: Raleigh, NC.

She attend several schools (A&T, Columbia School of Broadcasting and is currently studying Entertainment Business at the Los Angelo’s Film School) and during her time at the previous schools she majored in business, media and broadcast. It has always been her passion to help others achieve their goals or to motivate them to be “One Day closer to their Dreams”. She very blessed to be working every day in her field of work and changing the financial lives of all people daily!

Her mother inspired her to start her own company. In growing up her mother was an entrepreneur and she always had several side hustles. Her daughter studied her tactics, and it inspired her to want to grow and achieve all that she could during her life. In learning from her mother she has ventured into several entrepreneur businesses, maintains an established Credit Consulting franchise, and specializes in Credit Restoration and Financial Literacy. She also owns a multi production and PR business known as: First Ladii Productions.

Life with The Company 

As a CEO, the qualities she feel are most valuable are: leadership, tenacity, perseverance, and also confidence.

Her credit restoration franchise offers services that mentor in the field and financial literacy services to help repair and retain all things financially related.

The biggest challenge she had to overcome when starting her business was the ability to overcome after failure and/or denial. In her position she had to juggle so many companies and tasks are sometimes difficult but in situations of that nature you have to reorganize your priorities.

Success is always around the corner! The contribution she made to her community through her success is of great importance. She was recently recognized by her partner company in reaching milestones in her credit literacy program. She also hosted a red carpet event with her production company that sponsors individuals with epilepsy.

Inquiring Minds Want to Know...

Are there any CEO boss ladies’ who are internationally known that you admire?
The CEO Boss Ladies that she admires are Issa Rae, and Beyonce. She admires Beyonce because she has been consistent in her business ventures. She admires Issa Rae because she created a similar platform as her and her success is something that she models.

Are there any other creative talents that you have, that your audience doesn’t know about?
Barksdale shares that she has plenty of talents.  One of which is being a mother. She’s a mother of a two year old lol. In addition, she writes and produces a radio show as well as a talk show called: Goal Diggers. The show features and highlights individuals successfully chasing their dreams.

She can be reached through social media at the following platforms:

@iamBrianaB (Facebook, Snapchat, IG, Twitter)

Business: (Facebook and IG)

Also her websites:

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