Vibe Highlights

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Artist: Sitch Shares ("Be Unapologetically You")

"The best advice in life I think I've gotten is to Be Unapologetically You." 

"Sometimes you just have to put your self-criticism aside and just put the work out..."

Wise Words from A Young Visionary..."Authenticity is an important factor in true success to me and as an artist, I believe in making music that has truth to it... even if the stories or situations in each song aren't non-fictional at least the emotion and energy in each work should be real. That's how  you connect with an audience beyond the beat." 

"FOR ART specifically, I received really great advice to stop nitpicking every work I make and just put things out. So often, we scrutinize every second of work we finish to the point where we don't share which is the reason we made the art in the first place. 

VIBE FACTS: He would love to peform with Beyonce and Nicki Minaj and Normani! He believes their energies would work well together!

 Conscious themes and lyrics still exist with hip hop and rap artist: Sitch, from Fayetteville NC. He’s an Artist who definitely puts a lot of effort into lyricism. His music may not always be instant club bangers (lol) but he consistently tries to write music with lyrical substance.

At 8 years old he got baptized and then later was in the church choir and he's been singing ever since . His mom's side of the family are all musical (hence the church choir). The Minister of Music at the church he grew up in, Mr. Russell McAllister, fostered the gifts he saw in all the kids and adults that were in the choir. He was Sitch's first inspiration to really trust God with his gift. As he started really pursuing music, he looked up to Artists like: Beyonce, Bruno Mars, Missy Elliott, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna...and several different other Artists that stood out to him as powerful in the music industry. 

He’s currently finishing up a project called "LaJane Doe". The project includes songs about situations such as “trying to get the girl, finding the right person, the relationships you left but couldn't let go of, etc. It’s a realistic base because everyone's familiar with the concept of "Jane Doe." He wanted to spice up the anonymity and make it the subject of the EP because so many times these situations don't apply to one particular person or experience. 

He writes all of my own music yet there's only one song he co-wrote with a close friend of his and of course featured artists write their own verses. He also sometimes gets inspiration by talking with friends and colleagues about their stories and experiences. SO, on this project, the song "DUNCH Date" (DUNCH = dinner + lunch, like "linner" but flipped) features fellow independent Artist HAiKV a good friend of his.

Many Artists have at least one favorite song on their album and that song for him is called: "Pluto." Yes! Pluto is a ballad from LaJane Doe about a guy who wants to explore a relationship with a person. But he has to face and overcome his inner struggles and apprehensions. Yet, he's honestly afraid to go for it because he's unsure of what will happen. Happens to everyone, right? 

Well the idea of single life and loneliness being traded for the more lively, active life of companionship is paralleled to Pluto and Neptune. Pluto is that image of solitude, coldness, independence, etc. But, Neptune represents water and oceans, always ebbing and flowing, teaming with life. He adds "It's real deep, y'all. lol!"

Concerts & Careers and More

He started performing his own music at Packapalooza, hosted by his Alma Mater NC State, in 2015. He continued to perform at Packapalooza a few years in a row. He also shared his talent at a few benefit concerts, AfroPack and at two RAW Artist Showcases
one in Raleigh and the other more recently in Atlanta, GA.

His most memorable performance is probably Packapalooza 2016. Why? Because he had a 15-minute set and so many things went wrong in that 15 minutes! Imagine as an Artist your mic dies during your first song? Then it took half the song for the sound guy to get a new one, on top of that there was this weird audio malfunction that came up from the end of one song through the next one... It was very interesting, shares Sitch. But that didn't stop him did it? Nope! Not even a little!

So with all the experience he has gained thus far, what is Next! He is currently pushing his "LaJane Doe" project! Also well as he plans to produce more visual content. As he wraps up his current project he's still estatic about performing more often, doing more interviews, networking and making more music! So stay tuned!


You can look me up on Spotify and Apple Music, and on Reverbnation & SoundCloud @sitchofficial. Follow me on Instagram at @sitchofficial and Facebook at @sitchofficialmusic. I can always be contacted at as well.

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